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  • Argentina - NOA - Paseos - Salinas

Salinas Grandes


Duration: Full day

One of the most interesting aspects of this remote region is the culture of its inhabitants, who, from pre-Hispanic times, managed to adapt to the hard weather conditions. Localities like San Antonio de los Cobres and Tolar Grande, conserve ancestral customs that are reflected in cultural manifestations like the Pachamama, the misachicos, the apacheta, the señalada among others. People of enigmatic, immense faces, salt pans, volcanoes, snow-covered peaks, bush steppes, limpid sky, penetrating sun, blue lagoons and vicunas, are only some of the great impact wonders that the Puna has to offer.

The laborious craftsmen of this zone characterize by weaves made with teasel thorns needles and bone combs, with Andean designs, made of pure wool of llamas and sheep bred in this area. The way to San Antonio de los Cobres presents great relieves. Passing by Campo Quijano, Río Blanco, Quebrada del Toro, El Alisal, the pre-Hispanic town of Santa Rosa de Tastil with its legendary ruins until San Antonio de los Cobres 3775 asl by R 51. In Santa Rosa de Tastil, there is an archaeological deposit of particular beauty.

The Salinas Grandes, north of San Antonio, form a vast white horizon dyed of different shades by the sun, where still old techniques of salt extraction are practised. It constitutes a spectacle for the senses; the immensity of the landscape seems to have no end. Continuation by Cuesta de Lipan, a spectacular cornice road that extends downhill from the Puna to Humahuaca Gorge. This route can be done the other way round too.
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